Labor & Delibery/ Fresh 48s Investment

Pricing & Packages

Your baby's first moments in life are so precious and magical. Doing Labor and Delivery and Fresh 48s bring me such joy. Being there to capture the true miracle of life is so rewarding!

I would love nothing more than to answer all of your questions regarding any of these packages.

Package I

This includes the Fresh 48s or at home lifestyle session.
Fresh 48s are done anywhere from 8-24 hours after the baby is born. At home lifestyle is done at the comfort of your own home, typically a week or so after the baby is born.


Package II

This package includes the labor and delivery and Fresh 48 or lifestyle at home session.


Package III

This package includes maternity, L&D, and Fresh 48s



How do you photograph births?

I love being at your bed side capturing all the moments leading up to the birth. Most of the time I'm at the side of the bed, or above your head. You would need to ask your doctor to see what rules they have as well.

What equipment do you bring?

I bring my camera, and a flash. I do not use the flash during the actual delivery. I MIGHT use the flash during some of the laboring part, it just depends on how the lighting is in the room.

How far do you travel for births?

I only travel to Lakin, ks, Liberal, Ks, and Garden City, ks right now.